
Posted on Mar 16, 2015

At last the piles of snow are in full retreat and its time to examine the carnage that winter left. I am relived to see its not as bad as I thought it would be when the thermometer was reading zero and the snow seemed to never stop.

Brushing back some of those leaves that had eluded me during the final fall clean-up I see the crocus are awake, reaching up to catch the light of the lengthen  days. The Rhododendren look refreshed and well rested. The pachysandra is perking up and the vinca seems ready to run.

All thats needed is to muscle out a few of the shrubs that burned by the salt and wind. Others ask for a bit of pruning, taking care not to disturb the architectural project that a pair of nesting Cardinals have started.   Some gentle clearing of what remains of winter’s deteris will allow the daffodils the space they need.

Spring! Time to shake of the doldrums and get back into the garden
